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20 November 2017

10 Benefits of Hiring a Contract Cleaning Company

Hiring professionals to regularly clean your office makes perfect sense, and this article outlines exactly why.

If you solely rely on your employees to keep your office space clean and tidy in an effort to cut costs, time and hassle, then this article is for you.

You may feel that you’re simply ensuring you do not unnecessarily spend on things that aren’t critical to your business but by not hiring a professional and placing the emphasis on your staff, are you in actual fact cutting corners and ignoring a number of benefits that may not be obvious?

Let’s take a look 10 great reasons why you should consider hiring a professional cleaning team.

Read the complete article below, or skip to the appropriate reason that interests you most:

  1. Time & Cost Savings
  2. Staff Productivity
  3. Staff Morale
  4. Health & Safety
  5. Company Image
  6. Green Cleaning
  7. Experience & Expertise
  8. Correct Equipment
  9. Tailored to You
  10. Peace of Mind

1. Time & Cost Savings

The first and most obvious reason business owners avoid using a cleaning contractor is the costs involved. However, if your employees are expected to spend their time cleaning on top of their regular day-to-day responsibilities, is that a productive use of their time?

By using a professional company, you can avoid the awkward problems of creating a cleaning rota and staying on top of the schedule. When one staff member is deemed to be slacking off, this can create ill-feeling amongst the whole team which could easily be avoided if that responsibility was given to a subcontractor.

Aside from the extra work your employees are expected to do to keep the office environment clean, can you be absolutely sure that the standards they are implementing are suitable and correct? Are they using appropriate cleaning chemicals that are not potentially harmful to their health or others?

Expecting your staff to clean is never an ideal arrangement and given the fact they could be far more productive with the time spent, do the cost savings really justify this approach?

2. Staff Productivity

Without question, a clean and pristine office environment is proven to have a positive effect on staff productivity. An office full of mess, dirt, grime and clutter will only act as a distraction and affect concentration levels.

The connections are very simple. If your office feels uncared for, messy and lacking any care or attention, this will filter down into the standards of work produced. If you set high standards of cleanliness, your staff will most likely set the same high standards in their work ethic.

3. Staff Morale

Very much riding on the coattails of the above, if your company displays a willingness to want to maintain a clean and healthy working environment, this can only be a positive thing and will filter down through your workforce.

Employees that come to a clean and fresh office every morning will undoubtedly feel more cared for and valued. This sense of loyalty and and commitment will maintain good staff moral levels and give them a positive attitude towards you as a employer.

“Employees that come to a clean and fresh office every morning will undoubtedly feel more cared for and valued.”

4. Health & Safety

Without the assistance of a professional cleaning company, dirt, bacteria and dust particles can build up swiftly and make your office environment a very unpleasant and unhealthy place to work. If the build up gets out of control, the spread of germs will lead to ill health amongst your staff including respiratory issues, colds, flu and allergies. With staff sicknesses costing businesses millions every year, is cutting corners really saving you money?

A trained office cleaning professional will know how and where to disinfect correctly and advise on cleaning and changing filters in items like HVAC systems to maintain good air quality throughout your office.

Desks, keyboards, monitors and mice will be suitably cleaned to prevent the spread of germs, especially in offices that encourage hot-desking and shared cubicles.

5. Company Image

As well as your staff, don’t forget that a clean office is also important for your image. No one wants to invite an important client or high profile guest into a dirty, foul smelling office.

First impressions last and if a visitor comes to your workplace and sees an environment crying out for help, they won’t leave with a positive opinion of you which could cost you a contract or a lucrative piece of business, all because you failed to hire a professional cleaning contractor!

No one wants to invite an important client or high profile guest into a dirty, foul smelling office.

6. Green Cleaning

A professional cleaning company should use products that are harmless and do not contain potentially hazardous chemicals including formaldehyde or toxins that have been proven to be carcinogenic or promote diseases. As well as health related cleaning chemicals, they will also encourage the use of green chemicals that are not harmful to the environment, ensuring your company is doing its bit to minimise its carbon footprint.

7. Experience & Expertise

By using a professional cleaning company, you are taking advantage of their experience meaning you can expect a high standard of service.

Properly trained cleaners will know precisely how to clean various parts of your office environment and apply best practices to ensure surfaces aren’t just wiped, but cleaned deeply to ensure you are getting value for money and a job well done.

8. Correct Equipment

Professional cleaners come armed with a whole range of tools and equipment specifically designed to clean offices on a daily basis, meaning you don’t have to concern yourself with spending money on items such as commercial or industrial cleaning products.

9. Tailored to You

The best contract cleaning companies will always tailor a cleaning schedule that is suited to your business that they feel will maintain the correct standards.

It is standard to expect a site visit so they can inspect your premises and discuss your needs. There’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” approach, so every customer they deal with will have a specific set of requirements and expectations that they will fulfil each time their cleaners visit your offices. This can range from daily office cleans, to window cleaning, carpet cleaning, jet washing, pest control, VDU cleans and more.

10. Peace of Mind

It’s hard enough trying to run a business without having the additional worry of needing to organise a daily or weekly cleaning rota. Why clean your office when someone else can manage it for you?

So if you’ve reached the realisation that office cleaning duties should be left to the professionals, contact ECMS to discuss your needs and we’ll tailor a cleaning schedule that fits your exact requirements.

10 Benefits of Hiring a Contract Cleaning Company
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10 Benefits of Hiring a Contract Cleaning Company
If you run a business, hiring professionals to regularly clean your office makes perfect sense. Learn 10 great reasons to hire a contract cleaning company.
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