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1 November 2020
How to Make Your Office COVID Safe

During recent months, the COVID situation changed the way we used to do things. Everybody has become increasingly aware of the risks involved, and of the importance of staying as safe and as healthy as possible. This also applies to the workplace. Many businesses have introduced remote working[...]

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1 May 2020
Disinfecting Coronavirus: Tips to Keeping Your Home or Office Safe

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the whole world into an almost surreal atmosphere, with people worrying about their safety, social distancing and disinfecting coronavirus suddenly becoming the norm. The importance for good hygiene was probably never emphasised as much as these past few months. This led to many[...]

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1 October 2019
How to Completely Descale Your Office Kettle

How many times per day do you switch on your kettle to make a cup of tea or coffee at work? If you think about it, your office kettle probably gets used several dozen times a day and with each use, the kettle builds up limescale and other[...]

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24 April 2017
What is Compliance Testing & Why is it Important?

Since the introduction of the Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992, employers are required by law to identify and manage potential risks at the workplace, whether this be an office, warehouse or commercial premises. To do this, they must arrange to have regular compliance testing carried out[...]

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