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1 May 2021
How Long Do Air Conditioners Last?

The lifespan of an air conditioner depends on various factors. Besides the need for regular maintenance, and occasional repairs, there are also other aspects which affect how long an air conditioner typically lasts. How Long Should An A/C Unit Last? The average air conditioner life is 15 years.[...]

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1 February 2021
How Often Should You Test Your Emergency Lighting System?

We tend to only realise how important things are only when they fail to work. Just consider the consequences if there is a power cut. If you have an emergency lighting system in place, you expect it to work right away to provide illumination, but what if it's[...]

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1 August 2020
How Often Should Fire Sprinklers Be Tested?

The safety and security of a building is of utmost importance. Having fire sprinklers installed is a common option, however one needs to make sure that such a system receives the required maintenance on a regular basis. This will ensure that should there be a fire, the sprinklers[...]

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1 May 2019
7 Reasons Why Your Office Air Ducts Should Be Cleaned This Spring

Carrying out routine office cleaning and maintenance tasks is common. However there are certain cleaning tasks which tend to get neglected more often than not. Cleaning HVAC air ducts is one of these, and you will be amazed at the huge effect a lack of cleaning ducts cab[...]

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1 April 2019
15 Ways to Improve Office Air Quality & Flow

Air quality and the ability for it to circulate around your office is of prime importance. With airborne allergens and dust collecting in the air, it can cause issues with health and cleanliness. This can lead to employees regularly becoming ill. Follow the strategies as outlined below to[...]

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4 March 2019
6 Most Common Causes of Fire at the Workplace

The last thing anyone wants to deal with at a workplace is an accident, especially a fire. Statistics for 2016 and 2017 show that there were over 15,000 reported fires at the workplace, which is a staggeringly high number. This represents a very serious and dramatic danger that[...]

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2 November 2018
How Often Should Electrical Appliances Be PAT Tested?

Numerous individuals including landlords, employers, and the self-employed may not be aware that there are certain rules surrounding the safe operation of portable electrical appliances known as PAT testing, that is requirement by law under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Although there are no set[...]

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1 October 2018
5 Reasons Why HVAC Air Duct Cleaning is Essential

Many people may unaware of this but air quality is hugely affected by how clean your air ducts are, whether in the home or office. Depending on how clean your air ducts are will affect the performance of your heating and cooling systems, and how much energy they[...]

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6 March 2018
Why winter plumbing checks are vital in commercial premises

Regular plumbing & pipe maintenance could save you thousands Britain has just come out of the other side of what has been described as one of the coldest winters snaps in many generations. With temperatures plummeting to well below freezing in many parts of the country – snow,[…]

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18 October 2017
How Often Should Fire Extinguisher Tests Be Carried Out?

For most business leaders and commercial property owners, the frequency and need for fire extinguisher testing can be a rather foggy subject. For the most part, a fire extinguisher will sit in its rightful place for the duration of its life and go unnoticed, but regular checks are[...]

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