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1 May 2021
How Long Do Air Conditioners Last?

The lifespan of an air conditioner depends on various factors. Besides the need for regular maintenance, and occasional repairs, there are also other aspects which affect how long an air conditioner typically lasts. How Long Should An A/C Unit Last? The average air conditioner life is 15 years.[...]

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1 January 2021
10 Ways to Eliminate Musty Damp Smells

Nobody likes musty, mildew smells in the home or office. If you have been noticing this unpleasant odour in your premises, chances are that the building has a damp issue. This is not only an unpleasant experience, it is actually a cause for concern regarding health matters. Ideally,[…]

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1 November 2020
How to Make Your Office COVID Safe

During recent months, the COVID situation changed the way we used to do things. Everybody has become increasingly aware of the risks involved, and of the importance of staying as safe and as healthy as possible. This also applies to the workplace. Many businesses have introduced remote working[...]

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1 October 2020
5 Most Common HVAC Duct Problems

Your HVAC system is responsible for the heating, air conditioning and ventilation in your building. It is a complex system, made up of various components, and it is only when there is a problem that we tend to give it its due importance. Hence, it is of utmost[...]

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1 September 2020
30 Ways to Reduce Your Business Energy Consumption

Is your business energy bill worrying you lately? It seems to be getting higher and higher with every bill you receive, and you need to do something about it, and as soon as possible! Since bills arrive on a regular basis you cannot afford to pay one high[…]

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1 July 2020
15 Ways to Achieve Better HVAC Energy Efficiency

An HVAC system plays an important role in every commercial or residential premises. With an HVAC system, you will be able to achieve a more comfortable living or working environment. However this entails considerable energy costs. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your HVAC system is not only[...]

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1 June 2020
10 Critical Must Check Items During Commercial Plumbing Inspections

Plumbing systems are more intricate than you could ever imagine, meaning plumbing inspections need to be done regularly. Pipes, valves and drains can develop a whole range of problems with wear and tear. And in a commercial building a plumbing system will be exposed to a whole series[...]

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1 May 2020
Disinfecting Coronavirus: Tips to Keeping Your Home or Office Safe

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the whole world into an almost surreal atmosphere, with people worrying about their safety, social distancing and disinfecting coronavirus suddenly becoming the norm. The importance for good hygiene was probably never emphasised as much as these past few months. This led to many[...]

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1 April 2020
What is Reactive Maintenance?

Commercial building maintenance is a part of day-to-day business life. Nothing keeps running properly forever, and so some form of regular maintenance is a must. However, there are different approaches to maintenance that all business owners and commercial building owners must be aware of. Some prefer to carry[...]

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1 February 2020
6 Ways to Locate Hard to Find Roof Leaks

It's not uncommon that after discovering a leak coming from your roof through your ceiling, that you go up onto the roof to locate leak, only to find there's no clear or obvious source of where the water is actually coming from. There's no denying that this can[...]

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