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13 August 2018

8 Actionable Recycling Tips to Eliminate Office Waste

Recycling has become a necessity and there is a global cause to dramatically reduce waste and encourage positive steps towards helping our natural environment. In fact, recycling is important for green living and in an office workspace, there are plenty of different things that can be done to encourage more productive and active waste removal and recycling options.

Knowing the correct methods and techniques can help an organisation send less waste to landfill and actually create a smaller carbon footprint on the environment in a positive way. Within this article, there are 8 ideas discussed on how businesses and commercial enterprises can eliminate waste and make a working environment more Earth-friendly. The following suggestions are very achievable recycling options and a business can become far more environmentally friendly as well as responsible as a result.

Dealing With Waste Removal And Recycling

Follow these suggestions to send dramatically fewer amounts of rubbish to landfill and encourage co-workers and employees to follow these ideas:

1) Begin a recycling program in your workplace

The very first thing an organisation or company can do to reduce waste and to encourage recycling is to start a program that incorporates recycling paper and other visible wastes. You can also include your recycling system to incorporate other types of waste that include such things as glass, plastic, paper, and organic waste. These may seem like simple ideas because they are, and they work incredibly well. You can start the process with these suggestions and you can expand from there. You will only be limited by your imagination.

2) Focus on reducing and reusing products

Two of the key components when it comes to effective recycling programs is to reduce the use and consumption of products and to re-use them when possible. Certain ways you can look into this include using less paper in your office, or other things like refilling ink cartridges for printers, reusing furniture, recycling IT equipment, re-using and recycling office stationery. You can find things that can be re-used when you really look deeply into the possibilities around the office.

Designated Waste Recycling Bins
Designated Waste Recycling Bins Will Quickly Encourage Employees To Recycle Specific Items by Material

3) Use specially designed recycling bins

An excellent strategy for dealing with recyclable materials is to have specially designated bins for specific types of waste. You can introduce this option inside your office and tell all of the people in the office that these bins are specifically designated for recycling materials and where they are. You should also let them know that they are expected to use these bins. Make sure they are clearly labeled and distinguishable from each other. You can include a bin for paper, plastic, glass, and organic waste.

4) Reduce paper consumption

A large amount of waste that comes from offices is paper. You should employ a campaign within your organisation that does what it can to reduce paper consumption and waste. You can do certain things to reduce paper usage such as setting printers to use double-sided printing to maximise the usage of paper. Just this simple idea alone can reduce paper waste by 50%. You can also employ strict policies about using paper and can introduce and implement digital based strategies instead of using paper.

5) Remove trash bins from each desk

Once you have a clear recycling program in place that includes the usage of designated recycling bins, it is a good idea to remove personal trash bins from offices. You will want to incorporate a centrally located waste and recycling system that is easy to access and provide the necessity of recycling. This is a way that enforces recycling and will help your organisation to produce far less waste.

6) Use e-mail footers to remind staff to recycle

This is an idea that is not well known, but when it comes to email communications to and from your business, you can set automated recycling reminders in the footer of each email message that is sent out. This is a more visible and effective method of preventing people from unnecessarily printing email messages and reduces waste amongst the various members of your team. It is an effective technique and it does work.

Digger at Landfill Site
Sending Less Waste to Landfill Sites Will Dramatically Improve the Environment

7) Choose a zero landfill option for dealing with waste you can’t recycle

Implementing a recycling program is an excellent strategy but when it comes to dealing with waste that will end up getting sent to the landfill, you can instead choose the option to have this waste incinerated. There are many different service providers who will do this for you and research shows that the incineration of waste has long-term benefits including reducing landfill sizes and the production of electrical energy.

8) Organise a recycling awareness day

It is important to encourage staff members to utilise the recycling system early and you can achieve this by having an awareness day that provides information that employees can understand and shows the benefits of recycling and being aware of its impact on the environment. You can tell them about financial costs and how they are improving the world around them.

So it’s clear, recycling at the office is an effective strategy to reduce waste and help the environment. These suggestions can easily be used by any organisation or office work environment. Follow these ideas to dramatically reduce waste and have a better impact globally on the planet.

8 Actionable Recycling Tips to Eliminate Office Waste
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8 Actionable Recycling Tips to Eliminate Office Waste
Businesses should take recycling and waste management seriously in this age of environmental consciousness. Learn 8 actionable recycling tips that can help companies eliminate office waste.
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